It's that time of week again! (Well, 2 days late!)
This is a great linky party, that I've come to look forward to! Maybe next week I'll make it on a Friday! LOL
Something for fun...I, like many others of you, love bright cheerful containers. Now, I have lots at school, but you can never have too many! Picked up a bunch of these bad boys and I am so happy that they fit into the shoe rack shelf that I found at Goodwill. Now...just to figure out what to put in there.... I was thinking of sorting writing supplies, or small word work activities since the cubbies are small. They do fit perfectly a small pencil box. The cubbies I have at school I had to track down in a they are in pretty bad shape. And that's all they pretty much keep in their cubbies...pencil boxes. Hmm, decisions...decisions...
I've been working on my TPT products. It is a learning curve as to how work some of the programs but I'm loving it! I get up early to work on stuff, read blogs, facebook groups, and TPT forum posts while everyone is asleep. Then it's a fight for the computer! HAHA Well, maybe not a fight, but I'm sure you know what I mean.
Sigh, seeing all those teacher posts on Facebook and blogs about how their room is coming is getting me anxious to get to my own room! My room had the "DO NOT ENTER, WET WAX" sign on it when I went to check this past week. I really need to get back the corner of my house that has my summer school supplies! With trainings and meetings going on our first week back, AND Kindergarten Open House being on Wednesday...doesn't leave me much time to set up, so I will have to go in early. Excited to set up and turn my bare room into something inviting. YAY!
I even had a dream where my room was already done for me! LOL
Besides my number 5 read, I am going to start to read The Cafe Book. This is something I have never done, but liked the idea of. I am hoping that since I already read about Daily 5, that this will tie in nicely. I was so excited to start reading that when I finished my Daily 5 book, I started The Cafe Book...but it was late...and I was getting I fell asleep. ZZZzzzzzzzzzz

And perfect for #5...Daily 5! I already read the first book, and had been reading the 2nd edition. (I talked about it in a previous Five for Friday post.) I enjoyed the book and am finding new ways to implement Daily 5 into my class this year. I hope to be better at it now that I will have my students all day. (Read a bit of my thoughts on that here and here.) I'm very excited...I just hope that it goes almost as smoothly as I envision it! LOL I will be getting my centers started soon and can't wait to teach math again! I have almost nothing for math. BUT I am excited to be making things for math centers too. What is a math center that your students love?
If you haven't already, link up with this linky party!
Here's to a restful Sunday...and a happy week to you all!
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