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My First Five for Friday(though it's actually Saturday!)
This is my first Five for Friday by Doodlebugs Teaching! I'm very excited to get my blog rolling and TPT products made! Here are my Five for Friday/Saturday:
Our pool...fits us all pretty well...and if you look closely you can see rain drops. |
First things first...we finally got our little pool ready for summer. Ugh it's already about half way over, but at least it's better late than never! Of course, my kids wanted to go in as soon as it was ready, and with our luck, that meant grey skies. So, we went in for about 15-20 minutes before it got REALLY DARK and thundering. Today, same thing, at least we got some nice pool time in!
Ok, this is the beginning of my Goodwill pile. I was going to show my "bring back to school" pile...but honestly, too embarrassed to show the mess! LOL |
I've been working all summer to clean out storage...with three kids...I can't believe how much we put away! And of course the classic, "That's my favorite toy!" has been heard several times in the last few weeks. Not to mention my school stuff that I had to bring home and school stuff that I bought. I haven't gotten through my sorting of centers yet either! SO MUCH TO DO!
My new book along with my notebook for notes and ideas as I read it. |
I had ordered The Daily 5 and The Cafe book (along with furniture for my daughters room) from Walmart. Earlier this week I got them in the mail to read before school starts. Unfortunately my new Cafe book came soaking wet and I had to return it to Walmart! It was a pretty easy return, but bummed because that was the one I didn't read yet. I have the first Daily 5 book and loved it!
Have any of you read it too? What did you find most helpful?
I had checked my school email today after one of my friends from school asked me about our summer trainings. It came to me as a surprise but...I AM GOING TO BE SELF CONTAINED NEXT YEAR!! If you are wondering why that would cause me excitement, I'll give you a short story:
- I taught K over 10 years ago for 3 years.
- Then I changed schools and was offered 3rd grade(did for 10 years with 2 years of 2nd somewhere in between). I did enjoy teaching those kids more than I thought and miss that age group.
- Then I asked to be moved because I was getting burnt out and they gave me K again BUT our school went to being departmentalized for core subjects-except 3 of the ESE inclusion classes. I taught ELA/Social Studies for 2 classes and my partner taught Math/Science.
- Now my partner and I are both going to be self-contained. The other 4 k-teachers are still departmentalized.
I am SOO excited! Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed working with my partner teacher and we got along very well. But I sooo miss math and science! I am VERY excited to teach all subjects and do more themes!
And lastly...I've been trying my hand at clip art. So far I only made a couple products from PowerPoint. Trying to get the hang of digital drawing...I usually draw freehand when I have time. My daughter is interested in trying it too. So, we'll learn together! Right now I'm working in PowerPoint, I hope to practice in Photoshop and Illustrator soon. I've use Photoshop for some picture editing before, but never Illustrator. I am listing things on my ebay account to put towards a Wacom drawing tablet(1/3 of the way there YAY). Can't wait! Here's a sample of what I'm working on now. I want to get a few products ready and list them up at the same time. What do you think? If you have suggestions for what I should make next, just let me know!
My first one, Butterflies. |
Working on a Back to School one. |
Follow my TPT store to see my clip art as I list them!
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Have you read about The Daily 5 or The Cafe Book? Do you have any math advice for a first time K Math teacher? Let me know!
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