Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My First Post

I had signed up with the TPT Seller Challenge 3 weeks ago, but hadn't had the opportunity to actually get started until today.  I sadly only have 1 product that I made the beginning of the school year, but have a lot of ideas in my head to get going on!  My daughter was finishing her online schooling, and I had been doing a major cleaning of my closet, so quiet time on the computer did not come by often.  I found lots of goodies that I forgot I had!  The last couple of days I was going through my clip art/font/digital papers that I had downloaded a year not that long ago.  (That was very time consuming!)  I think I'll do a little bit each day to catch up with the other TPT Challengers. This is just what I needed to get me going. 

Let me tell you 5 things you need to know about me...

  1. I am going into my 16th year of teaching.  I have taught grades K-3 with 3rd the longest-6 years.
  2. I have a shelves in my classroom dedicated to Hello Kitty, Gingerbreads, and The Peanuts Gang! At home I keep a secret obsession with the Pillsbury Doughboy! Shhh LOL
  3. I enjoy sharing the classic Snoopy movies with my class during special occasions.They still make me laugh after all these years, my own kids love them too!
  4. I have 3 children - all who have been recruited several times a year during teacher work days to help set up and clean. 
  5. I love to read, draw, sew, and be creative.  It's hard during the school year, but I am trying to get more balanced.
Maybe you have something in common...though I never did meet anyone who collects Pillsbury Doughboy!  Now to get going on my challenges!


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