Saturday, July 4, 2015

Dare to Dream

Ok, getting caught up almost on the #tptsellerchallenge.  Week 2 was all about DREAMS...
I should be good at this because I have lots of things that I want to be able to do in the future.  Let's get started:

Extra Income:  It was only the last year and a half that I started on TPT as a buyer and then a seller.  I have lots of ideas but this past school year had just been a trying time both professionally and personally.  But I'm hopeful of the summer break and it's fresh start.  This past month has promised me a brighter future already!  

With my TPT store, along with academic products, I'd like to make clip art as well.  This is also something I would like to possibly do with my daughter since we both like to draw and are excited with joining Adobe Cloud.

Vacation: Honestly, the last time my family and I had a vacation away from home was 10 years ago when we went to Universal Studios for 3 days.  Lots happened the last 10 years, too much to even write down.  We are currently saving up for a nice few days of Disney World! It will be awesome from our usual stay-cations or a day trip here and there.

Meet New People:  I just started this blogging thing and I'm finding out I like it.  I tried to start one last summer, but found it a struggle to think of what I should blog about.  Everyone on the Facebook page is so helpful!  I love how I'm finding new TPT sellers, blogs, and Facebook pages to follow.  If anyone has any blogging tips, LET ME KNOW! LOL


  1. I LOVE that I have been able to meet so many incredible people on this TpT Journey! I hope you are beginning to feel the same :)

    Sparkling in Second

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    1. I gave your store a "follow" so I'll be sure to check out your clipart when you get some uploaded. Good luck chasing your dreams. If you want to read about mine, check out my blog at
